Friday, May 28, 2010

Something's Wrong!

"What's wrong with my lawn? It never looks like this in May?"
Unfortunately the weather has not cooperated this spring! April's rainfall amounts fell short by about 2" below the normal. May is ending short by over 1.5" below our normal rainfall. So the spring showers we usually have are just not keeping up with the above normal temperatures. Those 80 and 90 degree days really take a toll on grass plants that are still growing on a springtime calendar!

So what does it mean? We normally don't have to water our lawns in May. The turf usually comes out of winter and starts growing and sending new roots that will help to feed it and give it the water it needs. The heat and the dry days have come on too fast, way before the grass was ready for it. So the grass thinks it's summer, and it starts to go dormant, just like it wants to do in July and August.... the good news is that it is not dying! And that with a good soaking rain and our regular watering, the lawn will green up again. We just have to be patient because it might take a couple weeks for the color to come back. In the meantime, don't rake it out to help. That will just open it up for weeds and crabgrass.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My lawn has a grassy weed!

Yes, it happens every May. The lawn gets this odd look with patches of whitish, weedy looking grass growing. The good news is that is not a weed! It's the turf-grass plant flowering and producing seed.

The grass will get a little "stemmier" and possibly not look as full during this stage, but keep up your normal routine and it will be fine as the flowering ends and gets mowed off. Do keep your mower sharp because those stems are tougher than cutting grass blades!

By the way, don't count on the "seed" to do anything for the lawn. The seed would need to be harvested, dried, then seeded back into the soil. The flowers and seeds will simply compost themselves and add to the organic matter in your lawn.