Thursday, July 25, 2013

Turf Aromatherapy

Here's a great article from Turf Design Build Magazine....

Turf Aromatherapy

Inhale that freshly cut grass; it's good for you ...  Australian researchers have discovered when grass is cut, it releases chemicals that make people feel happy and relaxed. In fact, it can even prevent the mental decline of old age.

The scent works directly on the brain, affecting the regions responsible for emotion and memory, according to Nick Lavidis, a neuroscientist at the University of Queensland. These two areas "are responsible for the flight or fight response and the endocrine system, which controls the releasing of stress hormones like corticosteroids," he says, explaining that the scent of freshly cut grass helps regulate those areas.

So, go ahead. Take a few nice, deep inhales of spring.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


After a relatively cool and wet month, June is ending with a reminder of what summer can be like in New England.  A couple days in the 90’s with summer humidity really takes a toll on us. And it certainly can affect our lawns and landscapes.

The lush growing conditions for our lawns during June allowed grass plants to easily find water readily available near the soil surface. Unfortunately with summer heat, usually comes drying conditions. The heat will cause the soil to dry faster and because the turf roots have been able to stay close to the surface for water, many lawns will likely suffer heat stress during hot dry days.

Unfortunately heat stress can be like a sunburn to your lawn. When it gets burned, it likely will start to turn first a grayish blue, then quickly to a straw brown color. This is the grass going into a resting mode. There’s no permanent damage and once you water enough to stimulate new growth, the turf usually recovers and greens up in about two weeks time. Sometimes that stress on the turf can cause summer diseases, but those are secondary to the fact that the growing conditions are just making it difficult for our cool season grasses to survive the heat.  

Some tips to help your lawn during the summer weather:

R  Mow at the correct height (3 to 3-1/2”).
R  Water, water, water.... Summer Showers and thunderstorms don’t usually help! In heat of summer you will need to water several times a week, depending on your soil type and how much sun your lawn receives. If your lawn is in full sun and if it’s above 85 degrees with no rain, you may need to water every day. Otherwise you probably need to water every 2-3 days during the summer.
R  Leave the clippings on your lawn when you mow to add nitrogen to the lawn in the best organic form. Your lawn will be healthier and greener! And no, it doesn’t make more thatch!
R  Red-thread fungus is lingering on lawns and we may see “dollar spot” - another fungus that shows up when the weather is hot and dry. We manage both with regular fertilizer treatments and by working with you on the best cultural care of your lawn. Regular watering will help release nutrients and speed the recovery of those spots. (It’s kind of like growing out a bad hair cut – it can take a couple weeks.) If fungus is a continuing problem, ask about adding a disease control program.

If your lawn just doesn’t look right, be sure to call us at Weed Man for a quick check-up. Our goal is to work with you to have the best lawn possible.

Friday, May 3, 2013

We Missed Our April Showers!

April showers were lacking this year and we ended the month about 2 inches below normal rainfall. Most lawns don't normally need supplemental watering during April or much of May. Without any rains recently, some lawns are teetering on the edge of showing drought symptoms. If you haven't started watering yet, it's time to pull out your sprinklers or turn on your irrigation controller!

There's no need to start automatically watering every day though. Usually we get enough rain and cooler temps through May that a good deep watering once a week is enough. Right now we're just looking to help Mother Nature with a little supplemental watering until we get a good soaking rain.

If you have any questions about the right amount of water, give us a call at Weed Man - 888-342-9333.