Sunday, April 18, 2010


It's April 18, is it late to do my spring fertilizer and crabgrass preventer??

Absolutely not!
First of all, how does your lawn look? The nutrients stored up by the lawn's roots from your fall fertilizer give your lawn a steady supply of food to green up and start growing in the spring without a surge of growth that you would see from traditional "quick release" fertilizer often used in early spring lawn feeding.
As far as crabgrass goes - there is still plenty of time to put down that preventative application. Even with those 80 degree days we have not had the consistent heat that would warm the soil enough for crabgrass germination. And it's still only mid April, temperatures were in the 30s last night. The soil is cold!!

Best of all, with our Weed Man program, the fertilizer we apply feeds the lawn for 6-8 weeks, AND we make a second application of crabgrass preventer so that later when the soil does warm enough, we make sure that crabgrass is not an issue for your lawn.

Bottom line, our lawns are greening and growing, and we have no worry about crabgrass!

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